
Asynchronous functions made funky!



funk - Asynchronous functions made funky! Copyright(c) 2011 Pau Ramon MIT Licensed

module.exports = function () {

  var _results = {},
      _style = 'parallel',
      _callback = null,
      _functions = [],

      _version = '1.0.0',
      FUNK = {},

     _test = function () {
        var pending_tests = _functions.some(function (el) {
          return typeof el === 'function';

        if (!pending_tests && _callback) {
, _callback['arguments']);

Set a value that is avalable in all add, parallel, serial callbacks.

The value will be available through the this object's attribute and the created funk function's get(). - see: FUNK #get

  • param: String name

    Name of the attribute to set.

  • param: val

    Value to store.

FUNK.set = function (name, val) {
    _results[name] = val;

Get the value set by either FUNK.set() or set by changing the attribute of the this object available in the add, parallel, serial callbacks. - see: FUNK #set

  • param: String [name=undefined]

    Name of the attribute to retrieve

  • return: s

    The value if set, or undefined. In case name was not defined, the whole hashtable.

FUNK.get = function (name) {
    if (name !== undefined) {
      return _results[name];
    } else {
      return _results;

Add the callback function to the list.

The function will be called when the async function is finished (parallel) or when all the previously added async functions have finished (serial).

  • param: Function fn

    Callback function to call.

  • returns: Function Callback function for the async function.

FUNK.add = function (fn) {
    var position = _functions.length;

    return function () {
      if (_style === 'parallel') {
        fn.apply(_results, arguments);
        delete _functions[position];
      } else if (_style === 'serial') {
        _functions[position] = {
          fn: fn,
          'arguments': arguments


Placeholder callback to use instead of add, when no further steps needed.

  • see: FUNK #add

  • returns: Function Callback function for the async function.

FUNK.nothing = function () {
    return FUNK.add(function () {
      // where unicorns meet rainbows

Serves instead of add to just store one of the arguments returned.

When the async function calls the callback, one of the arguments will be stored in the hashtable for further use in the subsequent uses of add, parallel, serial.

  • see: FUNK #set
  • see: FUNK #add

  • param: String name

    The name of the attribute to set.

  • param: Number [argNum=1]

    The argument to store from the arguments object. Default is 1, as usually the arguments are (error, data).

  • returns: Function Callback function for the async function.

FUNK.result = function (name, argNum) {
    return FUNK.add(function () {
      FUNK.set(name, arguments[typeof argNum === 'undefined' ? 1 : +argNum]);

Listens for all the added functions to finish.

The callback function (cb) will be called, when all of the functions added by add, nothing, result are already executed. The order of these executions doesn't matter as they run in parallel.

  • param: Function cb

    Callback function to call after all the added functions are done.

FUNK.parallel = function (cb) {
    _style = 'parallel';
    _callback = cb;

Starts to run all the added functions in order.

The callback function (cb) will be called, when all of the functions added by add, nothing, result are already executed. The order of the execution of these functions are sequential, in the same order they were added.

  • param: Function cb

    Callback function to call after all the added functions are done.

FUNK.serial = function (cb) {
    _style = 'serial';
    _callback = cb;
    _callback = function iterate() {
      if (_functions.length > 0) {
        var element = _functions.shift();
        element.fn.apply(_results, element['arguments']);
      } else {, _callback['arguments']);

  return FUNK;